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about the earthquake station
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Newsblog über die Erdbebenwarte – von Christoph Mischke für den...
Dumpfer Rumms und schwankender Fels
YouTube video about the earthquake station
In January 2018, Tom Scott, a YouTube filmmaker with over 1 million followers, filmed...
NDR Advent door: The Wiechert earthquake station
Thanks to the NDR 1 Hello Niedersachen for this post, which was broadcast on the 1....
Emil Wiechert receives memorial stone
Göttingen scientist is considered the “father of geophysics” Today, it is...
05/04/2017 | Why does the University of Göttingen need geothermal energy?
How deep do geologists have to drill to be able to use this energy and how do they look...
03/10/2016 / “Doors Open Day” of the “Sendung mit der...
On the “Doors Open Day” of the “Sendung mit der Maus”, children...
05/06/2016 / Plaque commemorates Göttingen-based Professor Manfred
By unveiling a commemorative plaque, the association “Wiechert’sche...