The Wiechert earthquake station Göttingen is the first and oldest in the world, which was equipped with seismographs, which provided scientifically evaluable seismograms and are still in function. The place of living history of science has enjoyed great popularity for years of visitors from the region and overseas.

Führungen & Events der WIechert'schen Erdbebenwarte

Current note: our entrances to the stations are barrier-free!
In 2025, guided tours will also take place on the first Sunday of the month at 2 p.m., i.e. on January 5th, February 2nd, March 2nd, April 6th, May 4th, June 1st, July 6th, August 3rd, September 7th, October 5th, November 2nd, December 7th. read more

Aktuelle Beben

Our earth is actually constantly moving, but only major quakes cause damage. Where was something going on? On 23 September 2023, 2 ten-ton bombs from the Second World War were detonated again in Göttingen. more

Are you planning to visit the earthquake station?

The brilliant mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss was also famous for his research on earth magnetism.

Der Seismograph mit dem 17-Tonnen-Pendel – im Eisenblechkessel: der Schwerspat.

More than 100-year-old measuring instruments work just as the first day.

It’s this way! Welcome to the world famous and popular historical earthquake station in Hainberg in Göttingen.