The Samoa hut is reminiscent of the former satellite station of the earthquake station in the western Pacific
Original or a replica? This question cannot be answered. In any event, it was set up on Samoa in the western Pacific as an outpost of the Earthquake Station Göttingen for German researchers. It was built in 1902 on the Mulinu’u peninsula near Apia, the capital of Samoa (see also Gustav Heinrich Angenheister).
Reminder of successful cooperation
The measuring station was far enough away from Göttingen to record comparative geophysical values. The Samoa Observatory still exists today, and the Samoa Hut is a splendid reminder of that cooperation.
Where is Samoa located?
Samoa is located in the southwest Pacific, east of Australia. Samoa is an island state that comprises the western part of the Samoan Islands and was also called Western Samoa until 1997. The state became independent from New Zealand in 1962. The eastern part of the Samoan Islands, American Samoa, is an unincorporated territory of the U.S.